Chanuka (Hanuka) Tours with Eretz Chemda
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Chanuka Tours
In the Footsteps of the Macabim:
Make Chanuka come alive with these 2 special trips- Neis Gadol Haya PO!!!!
ThurdayDec.14/26 Kislev
*Walk on the walls of Yerushlayim
*Visit the houses of Kohanim from over 2000 years ago
*Come to the Machon Hamikdash Museum to see close up what the Kelim looked like.
*Experience a remarkable 3d presentation of the Beis Hamikdash right near the Kosel.
Price: 170 shekel
Monday Dec.18/30 Kislev
*Daven at Kever Shmuel Hanavi
* Yaar Ben Shemen Forest along the cities and kevarim of the Macabim
*Crawl through a labyrinth of caves used as hideouts by the Chashmonaim.
* Scrumptious outdoor cooking activity /lunch.
Price:300 shekel including transportation