Yerushlayim Tours
Yerushalayim the city of "light"has so much to see and experience. Choose from our organized tours or customize your own.
Ir David we will be transported back to Jerusalem from the 1st Temple period. We wiil walk through Warren’s Shaft and enter underground passageways to witness the fascinating remains of King David’s Jerusalem. Tanach will come alive as we wade through King Hizkiyahu 2800 year water tunnel (seasonal) or go through the dry tunnel for a unique experience. Discover the second temple shiloach staircase and pool. Join us as we discover and reconnect to the roots of Yerushalaim.
Old city
Zion Gate – Remnants from the heroic battle for the Jewish Quarter that happened here during the War of Independence. Kever David Hamelech.
The famous CHurva Shul – Center of Jerusalem’s Ashkenazic Jewish community. It was demolished by the Jordanians but has been recently rebuilt to its original glory!
The Cardo – An actual street from Roman times.
Batei Machsa Square – a complex of homes built to house the poor Jews of Jerusalem and the last stronghold of the Jews in the War of Independence.
The 700 year old Ramban Synagogue – built by Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman when he was forced to flee Spain after winning the famous Christian debate.
The broad wall built by Chizkiyhau Hamelech.
the Ramparts walk along the old city walls.
Plus many not so known corners that bring history alive.
Kotel Tunnels
Make your way through the Kotel tunnels and passageways and witness the entire length of the Western Wall. Get to Daven opposite the place where the Kodesh Kodoshim once stood View the Southern Wall Excavations and walk on an actual street from Temple times. Behold the most spectacular remains of the 2nd Beit Ha’Mikdash. .
Yerushalayim Neighborhood and Machane Yehuda shuk tour.
See the very first neighborhoods to be built outside Jerusalem’s walls over 150 years ago!
View the Moses Montefiore Windmill and its beautiful surroundings.
Hear the stories of the first Jews to venture outside the walls.
Meah Shearim-Beis Yisrael-Bucharim. Meet special people who's ancestors were the pioneers who established these neighborhoods.
See the home of the Tzaddik, R’ Aryeh Levin זצ”ל.
Hear the stories of the struggles to set up new communities outside the walls.
Explore and meet unique vendors as you taste smell and hear personal stories of the"shuk"
Quaint alleyways, tiny synagogue shteiblach, artisan shops and fascinating people fill the neighborhoods people were once afraid to populate.
Other popular sights include the Under ground Museum, Amunition Hill, Kever Shmuel Hanavi, the Israel Museum and Armon Hanetziv.